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Retail Revenue Impact: 16X Return with Hybrid Customer Experience

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70% of organizations lack confidence in their ability to deliver seamless hybrid customer experiences

How Digitalization and COVID Created the Hybrid Customer Journey

The Local Marketing Report 2021

Success in retail means focusing not only on getting found but also being chosen and winning long-term loyalty.

This requires a strategic combination of brand visibility, reputation management, and consumer engagement to deliver a Return on Marketing Investment. 

In this research, we break down the exponential impact of a unified approach to retail marketing.

Inside this guide, in fact that we wanted to understand better how the pandemic affected the local customer journey,  we reveal: 

 a survey ran by other 4, 000 consumers in the US, UK, France and Germany;

 an analysis of nearly 80, 000 mid-market business locations in our own database;

  findings with the insights and recommendations of various marketing experts  

Download the guide and find out:

The framework for Hybrid CX success in retail

The impact of a unified approach on visibility, click-through rates and star ratings.

Real-world examples of retail ROMI